Crafting with the soul and in harmony with myself.

They say that Necesity is the mother of all Creations, It all started with a dream, to make real my other reality that lives beneath my soul, Looking for a way to keep my journey with Luminara. Looking for a way to make my music travel the world for real. I used one of my talents to nutrish the other. Crafting for Singing.

I worked in campains for other companies, modeling in events, working in fashion shows, and now i decided to use all my habilities to make By Engelis a success. Nara is my first line inside Engelis. The name Nara comes from Luminara. So part of the income that Nara colects will be for the development of Luminara.

Hope you share my dream, understand the elements of my soul and felt connect to my path. Remember that Music nutrishes the soul and Crafting construct it. Wishing to all Peace and Love to the Soul. 

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